Chris Rowland, circa 9-15-'74
cartoon of seven figures, three men and four women with conversation bubbles above
When speaking about people who are talkative why are men called articulate and women Gabby? Why are angry men called outraged while angry women are called hysterical? Why is it that men of ordinary appearance are called pleasant-looking when ordinary women are called homely? Why are careful men called prudent but the same kind of woman is called obsessive? Why are men who are forgetful called agsent-minded [sic] when forgetful women are known as scatterbrained? Why are men who are efficient referred to as competent but efficient women are compulsive? Why are devious men considered shrews when devious women are scheming? Why are women who are dauntless considered brazen when dauntless men are considered fearless? In speaking about a person who is industrious why are women called drudges when men are known as hard workers? Why are light-hearted men called easygoing but the same type of women are called frivolous? Why are women who are thoughtful called considerate While such men are called over-sensitive? Why is it that when men talk together it is called conversation but when women talk with each other it is called gossip? Why are men who are interested in everything referred to as curious but such women are nosy?
Dear Jack. Read Am's letter & please respond and ask for some ?fade? - I hope you can give her some info - read your article about Anvil - simply wonderful - going to send for Bowling Green direct - Peypi is still good -- Nixon