March 3, 1973 SATURDAY Dear Wendell - Don and I dearly love "Master Drummond on a Horse", and as with you, we need cheering. Today is underlined: so gloomy. Our faithful little Radio is throwing out Mozart's Don Giovanni - wonder if you are getting it. It is now Sunday - clear, sun brightly shining. I do not know what or whoom [sic] to blame if I can't get this letter to you, in Don's hands, so he can add details of all happenings to you - unless numerous 'phone calls come in and hold him for hours. This took place yesterday - two of Dan's women friends even came over here to the house. Don did remember to tell them he and others had to do the same, leave the hospital, and become out patients again, as there was a shortage of beds. Don did not want these friends to visit the hospital and find he had left. Herman Rivers is the man Don mentioned to you, who died on