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Thursday Feb 16 '39

  1. 2 Chapel Place

Danbury, Conn.

Dear Mr. Anderson: Your letter stirs all kinds of swell feeling. I'm glad I had the impulse to stay over here awhile longer, for had I gone yesterday, as I half planned, I'd've missed getting your letter. It has decided me to 'play hookey' awhile longer–much to Art Young's definite satisfaction, I'm very proud to say. He read your letter, and I could see him take on an added glow as he went over your words about him. When he finished, he said, "Gee, Anderson, is still a human sort of a guy, isn't he." Then he went on talking about how he was afraid of what recognition and acclaim was always doing to people in the arts–giving them, he said, "a high-fallutin' air"–and that there didn't seem to be anything high-fallutin' about you.