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Nov. 2, 1975 Jack oboy oboy:

 I hope your sister doesn't suffer too much with that terminal cancer - my wife suffered too much -

too much for modern medicine to condone - but I am not a good judge. I met one of your sisters in Chicago didn't I?

 Will try to answer that creep Leahy - if I can - I hope they print your answer to him -

they seem to have space for such-witness the space taken up for the early tools?!

 Our letters must have crossed - mail service what it is - no big difference - no sweat off no one's

back. Have time on my hands - nothing to do - nothing to gain - hoo-ee - should be writing underline my /underline memoirs, my daughter says - and she is mighty smart I think. Have idea of a short piece about Sacco-Vanzetti murder - we distributed leaflets in Washington on the night of their murder - might get the FBI crawling around me if I do - but I guess they have forgot all that. I haven't forgot - nor will I. Cheers, if any. Jack II.