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in pencil [1974] Thursday -

 Jackoboyoboy: Complied & sending Xerox's - I dont want a copy - am not mentioned so no point in keeping

copy - right? Remember Hugh Hanley well from R. P. days - Guess old HH Lewis done cashed he checks - he did some entertaining poetry I think - and I did some kivers [sic: covers] for him: ROAD TO UTERLY, THINKING OF RUSSIA - those were sort of good old days weren't they - looking back - everbody [sic] poor and making it out together - WPA, IWO, IWW, WA, WIR, ILD - you and I stuck with 'em altho [sic] I was suspended for 5 yrs. from guvmint [sic] job - never found out who turned me in - probably Jay du Von, or local Legionaire?! Luckily I was no card-carryin' commun-eest -[sic] - the Communists said I was too much of an individualist! at ^least one Party gal told me that - still, I did "conform" 41 mos. in the Air force, and local heart dr. says army had no business drafting e! The Gov't never really forgave me for telling an Investigator if I had my life to live over I would live the same life - Sometimes I feel I don't have fur [sic] to go to cash in my checks - just plumb wore out. Sorry re FOOLKILLER. I don't have no luck lately with publishing - darter [sic] still with ASU at Jonesboro - seems to have found a second home. I think I too, wld [sic] like Arkansas. (over)