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July 8, '74 Jack o'boy I: Good to hear from you - darter [sic: daughter] still in Arkansas and working in shoe factory, sick from fumes of dye she uses - hopes to get better job soon. I also had lousy jobs when I was a kid - worse one was in a cement block place - quit after a week. No word from Olafson re DECEMBER - he wanted some illustrations for my article but he never wrote back and I don't know what to send him. You hear from him? Letter from Jerre Mangione - he is working on book about the 1930's -1940's, at McDowell Colony. Says AVON bringing out book on Writers Project, but at high price. Card from Dee Brown in Canada - visiting Black feet Indians - Why Indians? How about us Anglo-Saxons? We got lost in the shuffle. Nobody cares about underline us! /underline We just chillun lost in the wilderness, us is. I want some body to get up on his hind legs and proclaim underline us /underline white folks did something for what we got - even if what we got ain't much. we did create it - lousy as it is. The blacks didn't produce NOTHING, or except for JAZZ, close to nothing. Malcolm Cowley has article about Walter SCOTT in Horizon magazine - now THAT seems a waste of writing - who cares about Walter Scott?!