July the Fit-to-be-tied
Jack I, et al: Sending my latest - I had two fine drawings the editor had marked for use and engraving dept lost 'em -
found too late for printing in sat. edition on Editorial page, if that helps. Editor sent my drawings back and I sent them with article to Virginia paper, but doubt if they reprint it - even tho it is about the Blue Ridge & Ragged Mts - them small independent papers got no use for Yankee papers in Washington. Judy may reprint it the Ala.-bayou weekly - they used a cartoon of mine the other week, one of Judy in a haunted graveyard.
Hope your kidney trouble is mending or whatever - I have to get my poor overworked & undernourished
blood checked next week, but don't have to visit heart clinic until November! Have to see local doctor tho - about once a month - he never tells me anything, except I'm doing all right and to lose some ore weight - my heart can't stand extra weight he says - Guess you been reading about lucky Dee Brown and his vest seller - he says now he can retire a year earlier - to Arkansas I think - Fayetteville? He's been "barnstorming" in southwest - now make your Memoirs of the lean 1930s into a best seller. You can do it. Best wishes and a mess o'poke greens. JCR/. 7/5/71.