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in pencil 1972

 Do you have those Jesus Freaks in Missouri? They are thick as flies around here during the summer and even

during the winter they have headquarters on main drag and hold Testifyings on street corners - they don't bother me anymore - I told them I didn't care for foreign religions -- that ^is what Somerset Maugham on a TV interview ^said when he was asked why he was not a Christian? I think they are NUTS altho a lot of educated (?) think they are CUTE and akin to the hippies. A form of mental and spiritual orgasm with nothing to recommend it unless it is their INDIVIDUALISM of a pseudo-Bohemian tinge. h/w A cheap substitute for dope and/or booze - emotionally starved and unloved people I would say - similar to the Holy Rollers, brush arbor evangelists and the snake-handling cults of Appalachia. drawing of two men, one bearded with a cross & peace symbol around his neck, the other with shaved head, cross & beating on a drum