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St. Pat's day, 1972 Jack I,

 Yes, the JDL* is an obvious Jewish fascist group - and their storm troopers seen to be able

to flourish with little or no interference from the Law - as you can see, in enclosed clippings. The JDL is supported, at least partly, by so called "respectable" citizens and professional Jews, such as Dr. Wm R. Perl who heads the JDL of "greater Washington" - so many Jews seem to be turning fascist or conservative - like a friend, Dr. Benjamin Ginzberg - I think it is GINZBURG, formerly of the WPA Writers Project - he now writes awful conservative letters to the press, why? I wrote several strong letters to the press against the JDL but the press saw fit to ignore them, except a Va. paper that doesnt depend on Jew advertising to survive - I think it was Toynbee who wrote that there was no excuse for the State of Israel - I suppose All ethnic groups would like a little corner in the world to crawl into, but there just isn't room - the Irish, the English, the Indians, the Russians, Germans, Czechs, et cetera, et al - I asked newspaper editor what gives with the Special Police I see in the D.C. Public Parks - he said they may be from the special diplomatic Embassy Police, and hadn't I noticed that we were becoming a POLICE STATE? You and Dee Brown can escape to the Ozarks - hope I can make it to the Blue Ridge - Reading "UPTOWN" - about poor whites in Chicago - refugees from W.Va, Tenn, and Appalachia - Studs Terkel praises the book - written by a NEW LEFT writer - 1969 - Ben Botkin's brother has an art exhibit in NYC - Henry Botkin - I met him once - (over) on side "UPTOWN" is by Todd Gitlin and Nanci Hollander (photographer) - better than Studs Terkel * Jewish Defense league