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   Thank you for Panoramas and Chicagoland - did read about black poetess - she's been getting rave reviews for her latest book - sorry she ignores you now as another honkey - we're all getting that!   The militant blacks want to segregate and the Uncle Tom whites want to integrate, by force of Federal Arms where necessary.  I don't get it, do you?

Schools in area have had nothing but trouble since integration - dope, racial disorders, blacks beating up whites, and a general decline of education in order to carry out Federal orders. Anybody who wants to may integrate - they proved that during WPA days - we dont need a Great White Father in White House to send his troops out to enforce integration! Love thy neighbor at point of a bayonet. Dee Brown says he wants to retire to Arkansas in 1970 - not much money, but still he wants to retire while he and Sally are still warm and breathing. Me too, but I can't feed & clothe two teen-agers on retirement pay! And cost of living still goes up.

   "Hillbilly" is a nut.  Had a lowcost trial subscription to paper - anything Pearl Buck endorses must be a fraud.  Ersatz mountain humor, I say, Besides, I don't care for Pearl Buck and her Asiatic-phobia.  Phooie.  Carry on - don't know what - Jack II.