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in pencil in top margin Rogers, John C.

4 June 1956 Jack:

   No word long time.  Hope you and yours are all right and pot of mulligan is boiling.  We are no better, maybe worse.
   Sen. Cain, the man who truly says Ike doesn't know what his security sleuths are doing, is going to give my "case" some "publicity".  Cain agrees I had a perfect right to contribute to The underlined:  New Masses, Daily Worker, et al during depression and says the Guvmint dont have no case agin me.  I was "cleared" by Civil Service Commission but now they re picking on my wife, on account she married underlined:  ME!  A legal officer on a Senate committee told me many of The Security

in left margin I asked "The Reporter" mag why they didn't tell truth about witch hunts - "Reporter" never answered letter.