Sunday June 19th
Dear Jack
When the invitation to the conference on American Folklore for Children arrived, I realized how long its been since I had your letter. The connection of course lies in Elizabeth Pilants explanation that I was invited at your suggestion.
Even if I had any contribution to make to this conference I still would be unable to attend. No matter how much thought I give to the subject, I have yet been unable to devise any scheme whereby I could quit working and continue to exist and so that most essential part of my time work prevents my being at that conference. I do get a vacation but choice of time is on a seniority basis. And so I get my vacation in Sept. and plan to go to Chicago as would enjoy seeing them again more than exploring new places. Besides I was in Texas and New Orleans with a short jaunt to Monterey, Mexico and another short trim along the Gulf of Mexico boarding Mississippi last winter when I went to school for a short training course. That should been the needs of new