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vicinity of the Desplaines river today I noticed that the rains had made quite a lake. If it keeps on the tracks will be flooded. If I am not back within a week I will have Max or Margaret mail the silk pieces that I have collected. Mrs. Johnson said she had a number of things I could have but she hasn't given them to me yet. Pusscat has been laid up recently with two swollen paws, one front and one hind one on alternate sides. I don't know what could cause them unless he has eaten something that was poisoned. He doesn't eat much except warm milk and sleeps night and day. He still limps very badly but I guess he will get well in time. He can't bear to have his paws touched. Bought a rug for the front room yesterday, a 6 x 9 Axminster at $13.00. It was delivered this morning together with the curtaining I purchased for three bedrooms and the library. Wish you could see it all. I'm sure you