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pleting the work today. It is going to look very nice. They were working this morning in front of our place. The head boss spent most of his time this a.m. sitting on the front steps. It is now half past twelve and he is fast asleep under our pine tree. His hat is over his eyes and "take him all around like a button" he is not much of an ornament in the yard.

I should like to take a swim in the tank today, but my monthlies are due and I think I will wait until that business is over with.

I wrote to Elaine yesterday. I didn't say anything about their plans for the winter. Thought she could volunteer the information if she wanted to.

Yesterday I cut off a piece of liver for Pusscat and threw it over the railing for him. The grey cat appeared on the scene very quickly from somewhere or other, grabbed up the liver and vanished. I tried to catch him but couldn't. He came around later looking very happy. I dare say it was the first square meal the poor thing ever had. It happened that there was a larger piece of liver that day so pussycat had his anyway. Hope you will have a good time at the farm. Lots of love, K.