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shortcake today. Hope it turns out well. What do you think of the enclosed letter from Helen which came a few days ago? Needless to say, I was considerably surprised as I dare say you will be. It was to be expected though, I suppose. I bet all her relatives are mad enough to jump out of their skins. I wonder where she is living. She didn't say, and I didn't ask her in my reply, for I thought it might be somewhat embarrassing to her, in case they are rather hard up. Has he a job of any kind of some sort of trade or profession? I wonder how it will all turn out. The weather is lovely. Just like summer. Hope it will be as nice when you come. Just think how soon it is! Next week will seem ages long. Hope Grandma will not get dreadfully lonesome. I will write her often and tell her all the news about the great grandchild. Must stop now so Max can mail this when he goes for the paper. Heaps of love to you both, Katharine