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image PHYSICIAN & SURGEON image Joseph William Zeh, B.S., M.D. 4642 N. 46TH AVE. CHICAGO, ILL.

April 26, 1914 Ducky Mum: Am answering your letter right away so you will be sure to get it before you leave. I'm so glad you are to take a Pullman. It would be very hard on you to travel otherwise for such a long distance. Max will meet you at the station at 6:50 or later depending on the train. Dr. Zeh takes the appeal, but not the Review, so you had better have the address changed on the latter. I can call up the office about it if you like. That certainly is going some for sewer connection. Just one demmed expense after another. I should make as few repairs as possible this year. If he wants other things done let him do them himself. The piano and sewing machine came last Thursday and I was indeed glad to welcome them home. Dr. Zeh and Max are working around the house and garden this morning. Got some pictures hung, the kitchen floor mopped, and expect to plant some vegetables. Doc brought hom a rose bush and set it out last night. I'm going to try my hand at a strawberry