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image PHYSICIAN & SURGEON image Joseph William Zeh, B.S., M.D. 4642 N. 46TH AVE. CHICAGO, ILL.

March 18, 1914 Ducky Marder, – The drug store deal has fallen through after all so I suppose Doc will continue with the Blair Remedy Co. I am rather glad on many accounts–first because we won't have to move (which would be quite a job at this stage of the game) second, because we can have a garden this summer (which we could not have if we moved to a flat) and third, because we won't have any rent to pay, which is quite an item to consider. Doc was willing to carry out his end of the bargain but the Drug Store Man had evidently run across some better proposition and backed out. Nell Zay? is getting ready to move out and spent most of the day clearing out her bedroom, looking up boxes to pack her pictures in, etc. etc. I made another flannel petticoat this morning and got it all done, buttonholes and everything. I enjoy my sewing so much and it is such a satisfaction to make the things all myself and get them right. I wish you could see them and you probably can in a month or two. Mummie, could you arrange to leave there for Chicago about the first of May? Of course, I don't expect to be confined until the 24th but I may have miscalculated and would like to have you in time. We will send you your railroad fare beforehand, of course, so you won't have that to worry