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circle square These two columns of pairs of opposites represent part of a method of reasoning well-enough known to the Egyptians, Confucius, Plato, Bacon, Kent and others including Christ, who made it the cornerstone of their individual systems. These columns suggest more than they reveal, and only the most general relationships at that. If you read them carefully up and down, back and across, you may be surprised at the conclusions you will reach, however. It would be good to be able to talk to you personally about the further implications of these ideas. I hope to be able to see you again. Agreeable to your advice I am still knocking on doors, with appreciation of the ironic - "Behold I stand at the door and knock ....." And something else .... "unclear Jerusalem, thou that persecutest the prophets (how is it?) and stoneth them that are pent unto thee, how many times would I have gathered you together as a hen gathered her chickens under her, and ye would not!" Dr. C.E. Castaneda wrote me - "No hay peor lucha que la que no se hace .... there is no poorer attempt than the one you never make." Again a man sometimes has to wait for his "contemporaries" to catch up with him, or until they cannot any longer go without whatever he has to contribute to them.