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feel I could draw it better, some day I'm going to draw the show. Helen part is being played by Mary Esherick every other night & Louise part - also alternates. Jafe? said Mary was excellent in rehearsal & he let her along but she went flay the third appearance. Enclosed find his clipping which Eleanor will use in her scrap book. The show has been going to crowded house 50 c seats are sold immediately in advance, so the middle class want it, bit all kinds are to be seen there line drawn between lines Marjorie's job is hanging in the air now. is very disappointed. I came home with myself all set to pitch in -- but the architect has done nothing & he says he wait till Marjorie comes home & advises me not to wall anything as it may not fit. The whole roof is to be lifted & probably all walls will be down. It's like wait to meet someone who is not coming. If I had nine lives before camp I would go back to Virginia Can you get some snapshots of my piece. Pricilla wants Buck to show to Metropolitan Museum she has been