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letterhead - GRAND HOTEL BELLE-VUE BAVENO Lac Majeur Baveno, June 10, 1867 My Dear Friends, Your kind letter of May 8, reached me 2 days ago, having been forwarded from Paris. We are now visiting the lakes of Northern Italy, lying partly in Italy and partly in Switzerland. We came to Lake Como a week today, where we remained till Friday, then came to Lake Lugano, & Saturday afternoon here. In a day or two we expect to start on our journey across the Limflors?, on the way to Geneva. My health continues to improve, and is now quite good. I am sorry to say that Mr. Thompson, though better than when he left home, is not yet well. By advice of his physician he left us a week ago, & went to the sulphur baths at Aix in Savoy, where he will remain some weeks. The rest of our party are well. We have a courier?, a native of Rome, who speaks several languages, and is a very pleasant and capable man, so we get along quite well. We have had but one letter from Mr. T. written soon after he reached Aix. Since I wrote you before we spent another week in Rome, and visited Naples, Pompeii, Mt. Vesuvius, Florence, Venice, Milan, and other places of less note. Easter Sunday was a great time with the Catholics at Rome.

in margins: I forgot that I have none of those envelopes, but I send you an old one that you can copy.

I enclose an envelope such as Elizabeth uss in writing to me.  Put your letter in a sealed envelope directed to me & send a copy of this inside the one I send you.  Then it will reach me wherever I may be.  Hope you will write soon.  I remember love? to Lewis & family, & all my friends.  J.J.B.