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real to me. The old boy has made an odd contact with a woman pianist who is going to tell him some things- and I am wondering whether they will have a love affair.

Curious how this advertising business gets a lot of half artists. I went to lunch the other day with a man I hadn't talked to for five years. I got him a job with Marco when I was at Critchfield's. He's in street car ad- vertising now. A big chap oddly suggestive of a gorilla - burning up to write he thinksunderlined - but looking forward to some dream-time when he will be so far established on Easy street that he will have plenty of time. Hampered by a wife who doesn't understand - of course!underlined What about these poor fish? I'll bet there are a few hundred of them in the advertising agencies of Chicago. Have they the dignity of a phase in some Evolution? How is the lecture tour coming on? It certainly was good to meet you and Elizabeth here. I am looking forward to a closer acquaintance with that quiet little woman

                Affectionately  George