Dear Sherwood: You probably have received the main facts as newspaper reported, and gossiped about the Y.K Smith-Wanda Stopa case. How the fiery young Polish woman lawyer in love with Y.K. went gunning for Mrs Smith at Palos Park and killed an old caretaker who got in the way. How she escaped the police here, and committed suicide by taking poison in Detroit after she was recognized.
It has been a first page sensation for several days. Poor old Y.K. has been interviewed and photographed until his sweet shy soul must be thoroly miserable. There has been much hurrying to and fro among their friends. It was hardly safe to admit that one knew the Smiths. The police and newspapers put on one of their most barbaric exhibitions of the invasion of privacy, in which our American guardians of morality, and our publicists excel. Rooms were broken into bureaus rifled for letters and photographs men and women followed and spied on, and detained (Tennis and Lucy Calhoun were met at Lucy's room by a tough detective and "quizzed" one night) Don Wright has been throwing