Apten Sepetmber 10th 1920 Clarement Ave New York City
Camp Kewawa in the Catskills. Woodstock, New York (Ulsten County). Sunday, July 19
My dear Mr. Anderson;
Your letter of a month back made me (may I be [[ ]]?) feel good. I don't want to say "proud," nor "satisfied", just "sort of [contueted]-like."
I hope you do follow up the urge to write something about your neutral reaction to the surprise of meeting a floundering personality hailing from another small Ohio town. In fact, I think you could very likely make as good a story as one of the George Willard group; for there is so much tied up in the subject of ones narrow boyhood in straight laced, scared-to-death Ohio.
As I write, I am sitting on the porch of a little bungalow perched on a sidehill, from which there is a magnificent view of a mirroring lake, hemmed in by a (seeming) circle of over lapping green slopes the sun has not bee long up, nor have I, and the light spread up this vast expanse of greenness varies in such a way that it looks like some giant's cloak of rich, thick, green velvet with wrinkles folds and shadows - shadows almost purple in their modulations; so the distance paints them "Aint nature grand!" I can't see any real reason