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We want $12000 - I intend to lease them in the fall - perhaps in September, and commence building immediately I am now making the plan - it will accommodate 80 patients and perhaps 100 - my wife is now and has been for the last year preparing herself for the treatment of all female diseases - she is making rapid progress. We shall be able to open the house I hope about the first of April next.

 So you see Dear Sarah that if you were here now you would be under my care only about three or four months - but Dr Fortin? will be here and he is able to do all for you tht I can -- and perhaps more - But after all I shall not urge you coming here very strongly - I think you will not improve at home - it would of course require some time then at a cure but my impression is that as you grow older your disease not? get better. - I shall want to see you before I go West and prescribe for you again - Please let me hear from you soon and let me just now give care -  can you write the letter yourself - I wish you would do so if possible -- Mrs. G. writes with me in care to you and the family —
 Yours very truly
  James E. Grafs