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or composed in my life though once in a while I wonder - as who doesn't - what the morrow will bring forth; good or evil as it may be. I shall not finish this till to morrow so shall keep you in advance of the times. Father is giving a temperance adress to night on the Hall, the children are gone, so mother and I am alone. Good night Sarah. Dont you here the crutch? as it used to was. I shall get up early to morrow morning so once more a fond good night. Friday Dear Sarah -- the to morrow has gone and nought is left but the yesterday of to day; another meeting and another parting; a few more & soon will come the Last -- the last --how mournfully it sounds -- how mournful it would be, were it not for the promis of that better land where partings are unknown. No sickness there, -- No weary wasting of the frame away, No fearful shrinking from the midnight air No dread of Summer hot & fervid ray. No hidden grief -- No wild and cheerless vision of despair No vain insisting for a swift relief No tearful eyes, no broken hearts are There. I believe I'm almost as bad as your crazy patient I don't do any thing but make mistakes just see what a blunder I made up there. hand -- image I'm almost ashamed