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guess if you were to try from now to New Years. It was neither more nor less than a stick of candy apiece. We are both trying to think of something for a New Year's present for Anne but we cant hit upon anything that seems exactly the thing. Tell Anne that I am in a fair way of rivalling her, for I gave Em? her footbath and she says Mr. B. I do footbaths. Christmas Eve I went to Claryville with father to church. Just think of riding five miles there that stormy day and then five miles back that dark night. Dont you think we had plenty of courage? Tell Nellie?? that I saw Frank Scott, Fannie Babcock and Louise Luce and that I heard that Purdy was in Raidyeation yet. Mother is in a great hurry for me to finish. Last Monday I went to Utica. Didnt I have a cold time? Our donation, it seems, isnt too far off just yet. I had a real pleasant time ?? since I've been home. I've not gone any where, but have just staid quietly at home and worked. Of course Nellie is very busy just now or I'm sure she would have written to me. When you see this note I'm sure you'll wonder why I didnt take the prize last term for writing. Give my love to Miss Royce and Mrs. Copland. Goodbye Lottie Miss. S. Everett-