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You speak of the interesting seasons last winter. I too remember them with pleasure and I am thankfully that one so unworthy as myself was ever permitted to have with penitent souls, to supplicate mercy, in their behalf. You know not how I love those with whom I have thus associated. I'll pray God to bless them forever. I am glad to have you say you feel that you must be a christian you cannot give it up. That is right, persevere & resolve that you will try to hove & serve God, even should you never experience the joys you desire. Reflect on the love & mercy of the dear Redeemer; how unwilling he is that any should perish. He says "Come unto me, all ye ends of the earth, & be ye saved, And how many times does the Psalmist say "His mercy endureth forever"

 It is a great satisfaction to me to reflect that you have pious parents who are capable of instructing you in the way of life. I hope that you may be a family saved in the kingdom of heaven. - - - - 
  I have not time this morning to write you a full letter. I hope you will write to me as soon as you are able. I think next term I shall have more time for writing than I have had for the last terms. Pray for us dear Sarah that we may be visited & blessed with a revival. 
 Ever yours   L. Crawford