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4574 Newport San Diego 7, California December 15, 1962

Dear Mr. Conroy: Thank you for the kind words about Inward Sky in World Progress. Every good word counts, and with such a circulation as you mention, there should be some results. Since I haven't had any report on sales recently, I am not sure how they are going, though they are, I think, above the average for the Duke Press. My royalties began with the sale of the first copy, an unusual procedure, I believe, with Duke. Of course I do not suppose that I shall get rich.

Your correction with the New Standard Encyclopedia reminds me of something I had almost forgotten--namely, that a dozen or so years ago I wrote the article on Emerson in Collier's Encyclopedia. I always thought that the picture of R.W.E. accompanying my article was a very handsome one. Poor old Collier's Magazine! And now, it seems, the S.E.P.