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  Right now, Alice and I are shaking the last remnants of the flu and readying for our annual trek to Mexico.  Baha to be precise and this year hope to see the whales mate at Scammons Lagoon.
   Baha still has the advantages of being uncrowded and cheap.  Like beach front rooms for 11 to 15 dollars a day, double.  Lovely dinners with drinks, wine and tip for about 10 dollars. Fresh lobsters for a dollar or so.
   We missed last year because my back popped out so what I'm quoting are 1972 prices.  But, if you know where to go, there are bargains to be had.
   This was six months ago.  the McBrides wrote from England to quote some of the horrendous prices they were paying.  At that time they had no income tax to pay.  Now aliens must pay taxes and prices have gone way up.
    Perhaps I should send them a care package.