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in pencil in top margin Fetzer, Tony [no date]

greeting card Holiday Greetings

Dear Gladys and Jack,

    I would have love to fly into the Culture Vulture tomorrow - only I'm afraid to fly at all.   (A wasted life.)
    If you ever run out of poetry to read to the other vultures, which I doubt, maybe you might read a couple of Jake's.
    It's nice that you enjoyed Mexico.  A couple of my Ohio friends go down every year by car & take a house for a couple of months, but I never have time to join them because of, there again, the flying.
    The card you sent from Mexico is so colorful that I've had it up on top of he bookcase ever since.
    The "3-penny" is coming to an end this Sunday - but NYC still has so many attractions (enough to confuse anybody) that you