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Typed Letter

Friends of Literature {OBJECTS: To study literature and to honor those who create it; to}

                                                                                                                   bring book lovers more closely together; to encourage the reading

OFFICERS of good books and to crystalize the literary spirit of Chicago into President effective organization.

Miss Anne Schmitt
  425 Roscoe Street
  Chicago 13                                                                                                                                           March 15, 1948

Vice-President and Program Chairman

   Mrs. Robt. F. Ferguson
     856 Hinman Avenue                                    Mr. Jack Conroy
      Evanston, Illinois                                        6012 South Green Street
                                                                          Chicago, Illinois


  Dr. E.J. Stein                                                   Dear Mr. Conroy:
   5300 Warner Avenue
   Chicago 41                                                     Thank you so much for saying you will be a guest
                                                                           of the Friends of Literature on the evening of              

Corresponding Secretary March 25 (Thursday). We are a small and very

  Mrs. Louise Appel                                           informal group. It has been very difficult to
  4607 N. Sheridan Road                                    find a meeting place where a small dining room
  Chicago 40                                                       is available.  We have been meeting this year in
                                                                           Eitel's restaurant -- lower level -- Yankee Grill,

Recording Secretary 130 South Clark Street. The food is good, and

 Mrs. Kay Ratto                                                 I think you will find the people very interesting.
 6529 S. Kenwood Avenue                                We begin our dinner at 6:15 o'clock and are usually
   Chicago 37                                                      ready to go home not later than 9:15.
         .                                                                 Thank you again, Mr. Conroy.



Miss Sophia Camenisch written signature Hazel R. Ferguson

 6135 S. Greenwood Avenue                                                                Hazel R. Ferguson
 Chicago 37

Mr. Robert F. Ferguson

 856 Hinman Avenue
  Evanston, Illinois                                             written You can reach me during the day
                                                                                              at [?]] 0500 in case it is necessary.

Mr. Wm R. Harrison

 1520 East 68th Street
   Chicago 37

Mr. Paul Lippert

 7148 South East End Avenue
  Chicago 49

Mrs. Nonie Savage

 Room 1766 Stevens Hotel
  Chicago 5

Miss Edith Vaaler

 144 North Waller Avenue
 Chicago 44

Mrs. H.H. Wegert

 3145 Belden Avenue
 Chicago 47

Miss Marie Whittle

1220 North State Parkway
Chicago 10


                 Mrs. E. J. Stein

Dr. Harold L. Bowman Dr. Preston Bradley Dr. Frederic N. Litten Prof. Frank H. O'Hara Mrs. Sigrid Sittig Mr. Vincent Storrett Mr. Louis Zara
