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3 Naturally, I am hoping you will actively support the magazine. I think you share many or enough of the views in the announcement, and in any case a lot of this is open to discussion and revision. That is why we're circulating the announcement in a draft version. You probably have your own plans and are quite busy--but I hope you can send us some writing for the first issue and will think about taking part on any level you like--from active to honorary editor, down the line.

The magazine will be produced in a very professional way, high standards for its appearance. We have the help of a professional designer. I assume it will be a little magazine format, though that will be decided by the editors later. We will plan a circulation of a few thousand from the start, anything less is not worthwhile. (If that sounds fanciful, we have supporters in a number of different cities who will place it in bookstores and otherwise dispose of it; and we will use large mailing lists as well.)

Money is not the obstacle we have to get past at this point. We have to involve from the start enough people from different places toensure [sic] that the magazine will not be narrow, small or uninteresting.

One line whited out

By the way, do you have a name for a magazine put away in some drawer somewhere that you could give us? "New Voices" is provisional, in fact bound to be changed. sounds trite to me. Other suggestions made have been: New Writing, Reflections, New Realities, Realities, Messages, and (excuse the theft) Unrest. What do you think of these--or do you have any other suggestions?

note in bottom margin is inserted here as indicated by a line By the way, local bookstores are all "out" of underlined: Jack Conroy Reader when I tried to get hold of it, right after the reviews in The Sun Times & Tribune. They've [underlined: still]] out of stock today.

Burt Franklin neverreplied [sic] to my requests for review copies. A few days ago I called them up and they promised to send one right away. I will definitely review it, and will use the interview as background, maybe for an accompanying article. I was not crazy about the interview--you deserved a better journalist than me - partly because it compares rather unfavorably to the others you have given; andthis [sic] is why I haven't use it in the Call up to now.

Are you still considering reviewing Glenn's book?

Why aren't you listed as VIP for the Kansas City Cultural Conference? Weren't you invited? I'll be there, almost certainly, and hope to see you then.

Best, Paul Elitzik (pen name Reid)

written in left margin P. S. If you don't feel writing a letter but want to talk, why not drop me a note telling me to call you up? I can use the WATS line at the Call office or you can telephone me and I'll return the call. office 312-341-9743

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