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Would you be so kind as to let me know where I may be able to buy some of your books? And if you would consider placing copies of any of your books in the library at the museum you could get in touch with Mrs. Dera Gillespie at Bucklin, or Miss Iva Cannon. I do hope that you will visit the museum at Bucklin some day. I just hope and pray that the Bucklin group can keep working on their project and see it grow each year. It may not look like much to many people who have new buildings to place their museums in or fine old homes donated to be restored, but Bucklin is just a poor little old country town and that is the way that the way of life should be preserved. Its hard keeping house (or museum) in an old building with little or no money, but thats Bucklin as it was, and thats what we want to see saved.

  Please excuse any mistakes in my typing and spelling, My dear great Aunt used to say "This pen I'm using can't spell worth a darn" so now I say this typewriter can't spell either and its nice and new..  The Aunt lived to be 98 and never lost her sence [sic] of humor and was a big influence on my life.   I enjoy older people and wonder and worry if my generation will ever make contented older people or will we be remembered as being too intrested [sic] in our own lives to care about anyone else!  How will our children remember us and our Grandchildren??
  Well the dirty laundry, dishes, and floors are still waiting on me so guess I better hang up now and give my attention to them.

signature Sincerly [sic] Betty Dorrell

P.S. Do you happen to know Amanda Greene? She is a relative of mine on the Jobson side of the family and has always had an intrest [sic] in history. Thought you might have know [sic] her because of your mutual intrest [sic] in history.