those worn by such a representative party. I enclose an envelope which would hold a dozen so of gloves, + if your company will allow me to do so I will send another later as I know you will throw away enough to fill many envelopes like this. If any or all of you help my collection, it would add greatly to the interest of the gloves to have the wearers name on them, but that would be adding to your trouble unless you always put it on or before wearing them. Please don't think any gloves too much soiled for me. I much prefer the most worn ones because these show most of the wearers personality. I hope you are all enjoying your visit to this country + will return home intending to do all you can to strengthen the bonds between us for I am sure the worlds peace depends on our countries standing firmly to-gether + {unclear] as yours are a greater {unclear} than the work of many fair [uncler]. With best wishes for success to all of your {unclear} {unclear} J.B. Watson