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have t. unclear and shall unclear we are left to ourselves. Our eyes to use t Psalmist words will stand out with fatness Pride will compass us about as a chain, violence will cover us as a garment. We shall set out mouth agt t. Hns, & our tongues will walk through t. earth, in infidelity we shall say, How doth G. know? is there knowledge in t most High? These are t ungodly who prosper in this world & increase in riches. Instead of our hearts expanding with thanksgivings for GoDs boundties, we shall be disposed to rob him of his attributes, & Deify ours. Would we therefore feel with t unclear on the present occasion all depends upon our hearts being like his, in t. love of GoD. I would look around us & say with exultation what shall we render to t Lord for all his beneifits, let us be sure we possess the only foundation fr. whom such a feeling can arise