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The things wh. are necessary to our feeling t. same emotions of gratitude with the Pmist are 1st That we love GoD as he did. Sd he unclear "I love the Lord" This exercise proved what t. moral state of his heart was, his soul was united to GoD in its temper & disposition, and this laid t. foundation for all that delight & gatitude wh. he felt under a view of divine favours. He observed again v.16th "O Lord truly I am thy servant. I am thy servant & t. Son of thine handmaid. Thou hast loosed my bonds. I will offer t sacrifices of thanksgiving, & call upon t name of t. Lord" Here likewise t moral state of his heart is proved by his repeatedly declaring hims. t. Lord's servant, & this was t qualifying circumstance to prepare him to offer t sacrifices of thanksgiving.