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to all eternity, this leads to unclear 5thly That is an horribly sinful State or condition. Their very life is sin, for they are deftitute of spiritual life, their knowledge is all involved in sin: for they are ignorant of GoD, his law, & every holy exersife. Their comforts (such as they are) confift in t love of sin, & departure fr. God & holy duties. Befide, all who are without Ct are temptations to each other, & make each other worfe than they would be otherwife: & surely no genuine friendfhip can exist among such. They have no solid friendship thoh united rebellion agt GoD. This friendfhip is enmity agt GoD, & they mutually confirm each others enmity by all their evil thoughts, words, & examples. They refift t light of truth, & do