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T unclear unclear, wh. cries give, give but never is satiffied - and like T. grave, wh. never says enough. Indeed, to be without Ch, is to be deftitute of comfort or rational peace. The sould of men never can from thier nature, be satiffied, while they reject Ch & love sin - Under all the shiftings, and turnings of natural men to catch t. favorable gale, & reft in earthly porfpects they have been difappointed. They cannot revearse t. decrees of God. or steal from him happiness, in ways he hath forbidden - confequently Let earthly things be shaped as they may all are in a comfortless situation who are without Ch. A worm gnaws at t. root of every goard - every Bable ends in confufion & unclear sicken into pain - 4thly H is a friend;ess unclear,