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destitute, blind & naked. Were a man constituded t. unclear of t. uiniverse, yet without Ct. he would be destitute & miserable. His high station would be of no real use to him; for without life he could enjoy nothing in a rational way. He might enjoy like a fool or a unclear: but this would be worth nothing to his soul. Life in t. scripture sense of t word, is holy enjoyment: or rational happiness. This is t. life of a rational moral being: and this life springs up in t. heart of every one, who hath Ct., or the Son. Our Sav. in his last prayer for his disciples. Father, this is life etrnal to know thee t. only true God, & Jesus Ct. whom thou hast sent. To know Jesus Ct., in such a sense as to feel & realize his holy beauty, to delight in his chn., his laws & graces, is to have eternal life. His to have rational happiness using up in t. soul, & this