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in pencil K City 1/20/33

Dear Charles - I am writing from Kansas City - from a little rather tough hotel, full of little actors, prize fighters - auto salesmen out of work and whores - also out of work. I stumbled into the place and, to my amazement got a grand big room, clean, with a bath and an out look over the city, for $5.50 a week. Its gaudy and I really love these loose - non respectable people about - drunk and sober. All I miss is a few of your own and John's painting on the wall. John told me he was coming to Baltimore soon.

I wrote a play - a New York man helping me - founded on Winesburg and I think its good.  Was plunged into it for a month - the man helping the last two weeks - and then I got into the car and lit out - to drift for a time.  I had a grand ride, over mountains and rivers? and out onto the prairies - crossed the Cumberland, Tennessee, Ohio, Mississippi and Missouri Rivers.  It rained, the wind blew, the sun shone.  Again I got in love with America.  What a land - O Charles - if we can