letterhead text Sherwood Anderson Owner and Publisher Robert Lane Anderson Editor Business Manager Smyth County News Marion Democrat Lending Library Job Printing The Marion Publishing Company Marion, Virginia end letterhead text
Marion 2/2/31 Dear Charles, I have been in a dead bleak place again. They are like bad air pockets. Down and down you sink. I've never been able to figure them out. There is a kind of flight you try to maintain. How difficult it is. I had a letter from my older brother Karl. He has written a book. He may come to see me. It was warmer, more friendly than his letters usually are. He spoke a good deal about women. He has a wife. I think he and she have hated each other a good deal. They have however stuck together. I can't make out whether he is glad or sad about that. There have been grand days here, the sun shining rainy day, the ? crisp and cool and the moon shining at night. There have been unusual and lovely cloud formations. It has been lovely - I have no close friend here except Eleanor Copenhaven and she is rarely here. She has been marking time fly hard at her job in New York this year