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2 this time. That would give me a little chance to scratch ? this the ? and earn a little money. Then my notion is that the four of us with one or two others, if we get just the right ones, cut out for Mobile. We could live there - its a sleepy old town or cut out for one of the beaches. The negresses are wonderful on the docks there and we would cut up country on the river boats. God knows I'm full of notions, works to be done, things to be laid hold of. One thing strikes me all the time - the profound shallow sweetness and weariness of intellectual and artistic life all over America now. It's absurd. One would think all beauty had been dug up and labeled - all the land of mystery explained. It an aftermath of the war I dare say. No doubt the damn war run fanyst? because of spiritual weakness.

I'm getting a book of tales in shape now.  When it's off my hands I want to cut back into the novel that is waiting half finished.
 I only go into town once a