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Imprimo. After Reading the Text In this portion many things may profitably ingage our attention. 1st. An instance of a saint, in t. midst of worldly men & business, & were we should least expect it viz in t. Roman army. Our historian broke off his genl narritive to relate this instance with its corrections. He tells us there was a certain man in Africa, Called Cornelius, a Captain, over a company of an hundred men, & belonged to t. Regment, called t. Italian, a devout man. If we attend to chn of t. military officers in t Roman army or t. soldiery, we shall be astonished to find a man of Piety among them. In St Pauls epistle to t. Romans, he describes t. chn of t. gentiles, wh. applied to the Romans in their best state, Sd he When they knew GoD, they glorified him not as GoD, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations & their foolish heart was darkened. [read on to t. 26th: Then begin 28th & read to t end. Shator Tower unclear