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kept up family prayer. He observed t stated times for this duty, enjoined in t ceremonial law, the 3d 9th hours of t day. He prayed alway, (i.e.) in all t. seasons of prayer, & in all the scriptural forms of prayer. Do we do this? &.. Unless we are devout men like Cornelius, we cannot hope, fr. being moralish like him. Unless we are like him in heart & practice, his character will condem us, rather than afford us encouragement. His good heart, and regular conduct, arose from an higher principle than, natural good nature & a sense of propriety. Beside, he intrusted his family in religion, for it is td, he feared God with all this house. He had a devout Soldier who waited upon him, & his unclear were sober & moral. Do we compare with Cornelius in these particular? If we are devout men, in unison with Cornelius in heart & practice then