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John is in the wood business boating wood down to the city he can do well at that he can make this Somer $150 to 200 or more pr month, he brings down about 75 cords to a load there is great demand for wood here in Sumer to burn brick, So the Children are all doing well, I have made but very little for two years, We enjoy very good health Anna has been afflicted with the Rumatism the first year after she came here Tom's health is much better than in Chicago, he came in July 52 and was elected torn paperlkin a County Assessor (a fast young torn they paid in County Scrip $12 pr day for 60 days. I am in no business, have been here little over a month I am going at something soon, I send you with this a weekly San Francisco Bulletin I could not get a Steamer paper in the City great demand for papers this Morning to send to the States an account of the Great ?..utement? in San Francisco. I have some time ago send you the Pacific for three or 6 Months also the Sacramento Union, I have not learned whether you have received them or not

on left side I shall send you a paper from here for months coming? and shall write again soon We join in love to you and family I remain your affectionate Brother J. T. Roberts