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For the sum of twenty five (25.00) Dollars, I hereby agree to publishd at Remsen n.y. the advertisement of Dr. Swayne & Son's Family Medicines, for Dr. Swayne & Son, PHILAD'A, PA., in arrangement and display as per copy furnished,said advertisment to occupy one whole column in every edition, next to reading matter,............................. twelve Months 52 times per year in the weekly issue.

Crossed out section on paper reads ......Months...times per week in the daily issue...........immediately adjoining reading matter on........

Also to mail the said papers regularly every issue to Dr. Swayne & Son, Philiadelphia, Pa.

Crosses out section on paper reads And.....also agree to publish...notices (leaded) referring to Dr. Swayne's Family Medicines, amoung Reading Matter or News Items, said notices to be changed after recieving........................insertions each.

Also agree to publish one Editorial Notice on first appearance of advertisement. All omissions to be made up, or a pro-rata reduction from above price to be made. Payable Semi-Yearly, Date, Aug, 15th 1876 Circulation,... crossed out Copies per Day.....Copies per Week.