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annotation 1850's /annotation

Remsen, June 20th - (Tuesday) Dear John, Your mother returned from Saratoga last evening. Lewis had returned on Saturday, a week ago last Saturday - Your mother remained there a little over one week. They reached on Friday eve (the 9th) Sarah was much fatigued and had spasms rather bad - the following day Saturday had spasms much worse - but was better the following day, and on Monday was comfortable, and from that day has been under treatment. Your mother has considerable confidence in Dr. Strong and his wife, and in their treatment. Sarah was rather improving in some things - and had not had any more of the spasms. - She felt happy in her new situation, surrounded by many affectionate and sympathysing friends. Let us try to remember her in our daily supplication, at the throne of grace, to which I hope and trust, Dear John, you are not an entire stranger. Your mother seems about as well as when she left home. We continue in the family the plan of having subjects to recite verses on - the one last week was "Benevolence" - this week "the future state". Your letter from Auburn I recvd the following day, after you wrote - and on the morning following (Friday I think or Thursday) I sent it on with a few lines from myself - to Philadelphia. I shall be expecting daily now for an answer - it may come this evening. - If it comes today or tomorrow I will forward it to you, care of Rev. Thos Evans, Youngstown - if later, I will send to meet you at Pittsburgh, Care of Mister D. E. Evans. We are getting along tolerably well with Cenhadwr - Did not commence setting till the 5th having had to clean and white wash the office. today we are printing the last face of 1st Form - and have 2 galleys towards next form set - Anna helps some. Gth Jones is with us today howing potatoes. Lewis & Eddy ploughed them on Saturday. We are all well at home - had a letter a few days ago from Iarthryn? Gwyned - he is going to leave for America with his family in August. Sold one U.T.C.? to Levi James, yesterday. Hope you will be careful of your health - not to be too ardent, and work too hard. Better do a little and have your health improved, than do more, and to fail in health. Mother wrote to Sarah Mariah at Saratoga, and finishes it today, to which the girls are adding some. Your Sister's address is care of Dr. E. S. Strong, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Robt & Jane are well. Your father, all joining in love & c R. E.