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October 8, 1929

Mr. Joseph Winterbotham, Jr. Burlington, Vermont.

My dear Mr. Winterbotham:

Thank you for your telegram. We plan to show the Greco in a room by itself at the time of our opening on November 15th for a period of three weeks.

Just prior to the close of the exhibition and in accordance with you instructions we will notify the Art Institute so that they may take the canvas. We will see that the box in which it came also goes to them in good condition.

We deeply appreciate the opportunity you are giving us to show this important canvas and we are shre that it will mean much to the membership of the club as well as to the city of Chicago.

Very sincerely yours, THE ARTS CLUB OF CHICAGO

Chairman, Exhibition Committee


P.S. I remember seeing a fine photograph which you had. If you still have it we should be glad to have you send it to us for publicity in the newspapers - if you do not have it we will of course take a photograph when the painting arrives.

unclear note in pencil