Everything seems made for the unclear purpose of placing within our reach the greatest amount of happiness we are capable of enjoying in this preparatory stage of existence and the terms of which these unclear are bestowed being plain? simple? and universally unclear in all conditions of men in all climes and seasons. Unfortunately, however, there unclear are through ignorance, [[unclear], or folly, often rejected for delusional phantoms that unclear filled and still continue unclear the world with physical suffering, mental debasement and unclear unclear. To say God is unclear pleased with all man's efforts for mitigating or eradicating these evils would be to speak that He who created live and endorsed man with sense, intellect and spirit and made all other things with the most clear and never-failing tendencies? unclear happiness desires unclear if our universal ignorance, unclear and disease. unclear such absurd, repulsive, and wicked fatalisms let us dear friend, strive with all the unclear and capabilities God? has? given us to obtain a full and clear knowledge of his law, and render such a dutiful obedience to them, physically, morally, and spiritually during our future lives as unclear unclear unclear