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[[note in pencil: 28th latest to receive pictures list 27th, N.L. unclear

149 West 14th St. NEW YORK

Miss Alice Roulller. 701, Fine Arts Bldg. Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Roullier: Thanks ever so much for your letter. This show is the happiest and most exciting prospect that has happened to me in several years--and I wish I could adequately express my gratitude to you for your kindness in arranging it for me. I am working on some things now, several of which I wish to send, so did not expect to have my list of titles ready to mail for another week or so. But in the meantime, I would like to ask your opinion about some other pictures which I did not know whether or not to include in the list. There are perhaps 7 or 8 drawings distributed among half a dozen owners in Chicago, including the Art Institute, and Ben Hecht in New York which I would like to include. Would it be proper or "good policy" or all that sort of thing to ask these people to loan them for this show? Of course, if you think not, I can